What is


Grown in the heart of Africa, Rwandan cassava is known for its high quality and rich flavor. This staple food plays a crucial role in the local diet, offering a gluten-free alternative to wheat flour. Whether enjoyed as a side dish, processed into cassava flour, or used in various culinary creations, Rwandan cassava embodies the natural bounty of the region, contributing to both traditional and modern recipes with its unique taste and nutritional benefits.

Cassava Flour benefits

Gluten-free Alternative: Cassava flour is entirely gluten-free, making it an excellent substitute for those with gluten sensitivity or celiac disease. It allows for the creation of delicious baked goods without compromising on taste or texture.

Nutrient-rich: Packed with essential nutrients, cassava flour contains fiber for digestion, vitamin C for immune support, and vital minerals like potassium and magnesium for muscle and nerve function.

Versatility: Cassava flour is incredibly versatile, serving as a one-to-one substitute for wheat flour in baking. It can also be used as a thickening agent in various recipes and to make gluten-free pasta, tortillas, and pancakes.

Easy to Digest: Compared to other grain-based flours, cassava flour is relatively easy to digest, making it suitable for those with digestive issues. It is low in antinutrients, enhancing nutrient absorption.

Sustainable Crop: Cassava is highly sustainable, thriving in diverse climates with minimal water and fertilizer requirements. Cassava plants contribute to carbon sequestration, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and aiding in climate change mitigation.

Economic Value: Cassava flour production fosters employment opportunities, especially in regions where cassava is grown extensively. Supporting cassava flour promotes economic sustainability and income growth within local communities.

Get in touch.

Interested in Cassava Flour? Please contact us to learn more about the products, get a price quote, and discuss becoming a partner.


Rwandan Organic Honey